Other Services

If you need assistance in something not on this list, please don’t hesitate to ask me about it.

Desktop Publishing: Creating and Formatting Templates, Guides, E-books, PDFs, Worksheets, etc.

Social Media Management: Setup; Training; Maintenance; Scheduling. (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr.)

WordPress Management: Installation/Setup; Plugins/Themes Installation; Formatting and Scheduling of Posts/Pages; Filtering and Replying to Comments; and Routine Site Maintenance.

Data Mining and Online Research: Fact-checking; Research; Etc.

Newsletter Management: Setting Up Autoresponders; Template Tweaking.

E-Mail Management: Detoxing and Unsubscribing; Organizing; Following Up with Clients/Customers (sending thank you and other reminder e-mails).

Data Entry and Typing: Collating Data into a Spreadsheet; Typing Up Notes; Audio/Video Transcription.

Google Calendar Management: Creating an Editorial Calendar; Inputting Upcoming Events and Appointments.

Webinar Assistance: Preparing Slideshows (PowerPoint Presentations).